Each 1 kg contains

Doxycycline…….…100 g                                                                                           Excipients q.s.f……1 kg

-For the treatnent ò bacteria diseases cause by Pseudomonas spp, Aeromonas spp,, Streptococcus spp,, Vibrio spp,, with the following symptoms and signs :white mottling in the liver and kidney; ulceration ,hemorrhage ,scales sticking out on the body ; red sores in mouth and red in upper jaws ; abdominal distention ; white caudal fin/tail


Mix 100 g with 15-30 kg of feed for 500-600kg of fishes, for 5-7 consecutive days.

WITHDRAWAL PERIOD: 4 week before harvesting
SHELF-LIFE 2 years.
PRESENTATION Plastic bottle or sachet of 1 kg