I.M., I.V. or Intra-articular injection.
Average dose for horses, cattle, pigs: 1.5 ml/50 kg b.w; dogs, cats: 0.5 ml/10 kg b.w.
- Horses, cattle: 5-15 ml (I.M., I.V.)
- Pigs, calves, goats, sheep: 1-3 ml (I.M., I.V.)
- Piglets: 0.5-2 ml (I.M.)
- Dogs, cats: 0.25-1 ml (I.M.)
Treatment of allergia: Repeated after 24-48 hours
Treatment of bovine acetonemia (ketosis): 5-10 ml/head
Treatment of arthritis, bursitis or tendovaginitis: Intra-articular
1-5 ml.