Each ml contains
Amoxicillin (as trihydrate)    150 mg
Gentamycin (as sulfate)      40 mg
Excipient q.s.f
        1 ml



For the treatment of wooden-tongue, anthrax, paratyphus, erysipelas, hemorrhagic septicemia, shipping fever, diarrhea, etc.

- Local: Dermatitis, phlegmon, absecess, infectious wounds, mas-titis...

- Generals: Specticaemia, M.M.A in sows, navel ill, puerperal infection.

- GI tract: Gastro-enteritis, colibacillosis, oedema disease, especially in new-born animals due to E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium.

- Respiratory system: Pneumonia, bronchitis, pleuro-pneumonia due to Haemophilus, Pasteurella, Streptococcus, Protues.

Utero-genital tract: Endometritis, nephritis, cystitis, caused by E.coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Proteus.



Shake well before use.

I.M., S.C. or I.P injection, massage the injection site.

Average dose:                                        1 ml/10 kg b.w daily, for 3-5 consecutive days.

- Pigs, calves, goats, sheep:                                                                    1 ml/10 kg b.w

- Piglets, kids, lambs:                                                                              1 ml/6-7 kg b.w

- Buffaloes, cattle, horses:                                                                   10 ml/100 kg b.w

- Dogs, cats:                                                                                           0.5 ml/5 kg b.w

Meat: 14 days
Milk: 3 days (6 milkings)
SHELF-LIFE 2 years.
STORAGE In cool, dry place, protected from light
PRESENTATION Vials of 50 ml or 100 ml.