1mL contains:

  • Diclazuril: 25mg.
  • Excipient q.s.f.: 1mL


Prevention and treatment of coccidial infections in lambs caused be Eimeria crandallis or Eimeria ovinoidalis and in calves caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii.

Prevention and treatment of coccidial infections in poultry caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. mitis (mivati), and E. maxima. Because diclazuril is effective against E. maxima later in its life cycle, subclinical intestinal lesions may be present for a short time after infection.


For oral administration via feed or drinking water. Shake well before use.

- Calves, cows, lambs:

  • Treatment: 1mL per 25kg b.w. in one single treatment.
  • Prevention: 1mL per 25kg b.w. at about 4 - 6 weeks of age, repeat after 3 weeks.

- Rabbits: mix with feed - 4mL/100kg of feed or 0.05mg/1kg b.w.

- Poultry: via drinking water

  • 1mL/10L of drinking water for 48 hours.
  • 1mL/5L of drinking water in severe cases.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use in layers producing eggs for human consumption.


  • Meat: 0 day for calves, lambs.
  • Poultry: 0 day.
  • Rabbits: 2 days.

PRESENTATION: 100mL, 500mL, 1L.