1mL contains:

  • Bromhexine HCl: 10mg.
  • Excipient q.s.f.: 1mL.


  • Bromhexine 1% can be used as an aid to the treatment of respiratory disease in cattle, pigs, dogs and cats, where mucus is a complicating factor.
  • Bromhexine 1% supports the body's natural mechanism of clearing mucus from the respiratory tract. It reduces the viscosity of the bronchial secretion by depolymerization of mucopolysaccharide in the ground substances of bronchial secretions, and by liberating lysosomal enzymes, resulting in the thinning and clearing of mucus.
  • Stops cough and clears any viscous mucus from the respiratory pathways in a short period of time. It also expands the respiratory airways to help facilitate breathing.
  • Bromhexine 1% is the best choice for clearing repiratory disorders.

ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE: 1mL per 1 - 2L of drinking water for 3 - 5 consecutive days.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use in cows producing mik for human consumption.


  • Cattles: 2 days.
  • Pigs: 0 day.

PRESENTATION: 100mL, 500mL, 1L bottles.